

It's hard for me to say anything good about this movie. I guess that's a pretty interesting way to start a review. I was definitely a big fan of the first few Hitman games, the others I never really played. The point is that I played the games enough to know the basic storyline and things that go on in the game. I know how the character of Hitman behaves and how he was supposed to act. Basically, the movie is shit compared to the game.

The movie takes the whole storyline and point of the game, tries to stick to it but fails horribly. I highly doubt the people who wrote the movie played the game very much, or if they did they really did not try to base the movie on it, they were just like oh well here's an interesting idea for a character now let's make a shitty movie and get some money off of it.

I don't even know much of what happened in the movie. The storyline was terrible and uninteresting. The character development sucked. It was about a Hitman who seemed to be living in Russia I guess in a house who randomly finds a girl and kidnaps her thinking she has information for him, but she doesn't and then the rest of the movie is about him trying to protect himself and her and stop people who are trying to kill him...

The script is poorly written, the events are non-linear and just not very much care at all seems to have been put into this movie. I am sure it could have been much better if an effort was actually made to create a good film rather than just bank on the fact that at least a certain amount of people will want to see it because it is based on a fairly popular video game.

Shit, man.

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I agree. The games were awesome but the movie... well the movie was not. I feel like they failed to make Hitman into a character. Also the plot was very generic, the places that they tried to pass off as "Russia" were not actually in Russia (they didn't even bother changing the signs on buildings to Russian), and what kind of a president is guarded by ten or so body guards?
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