
The Golden Compass

So last night I was faced with a really tough decision: Play PS3 or watch The Golden Compass. I started to play PS3 but the game cheated, so I watched The Golden Compass instead. I was expecting this movie to be good, and it was, but I didn't really know what it was about. All I knew about the movie was that it looked like a narnia rip-off and that it had a sweet ass giant bear in it. Now, I kind of like narnia. But I fucking love giant bears, that is sweet. So I basically just had to watch this movie.

Anyways, it's about this world that isn't too different from ours, the difference is that in our world peoples souls live inside our bodies, but in this world the soul lives outside the body in the form of a creature called a "demon". When you get hurt, your demon gets hurt, and when your demon gets hurt, you get hurt. Anyways this is the start of a series I think so all the details are a little blurry, but basically there is a ministry that is trying to impose strict rules on people about what they can and can not do. There is a discovery of "dust" which is basically the opening of a passage between the worlds - new worlds like ours where demons live inside the body. Anyway, the ministry hates the mention of dust and the study of dust and they want to completely rid all mention of it. They want to make the world a horrible place where people are devoid of freedoms, etc.

So this woman played by Nicole Kidman comes and tries to take the main character, this little girl away, but before that she (the girl) is given a golden compass which the chosen one can read to answer any question truthfully. The girl escapes and finds the bear and the Egyptians which are like these crazy bad ass people that are mad good at shooting arrows. There is an epic battle and a sick ass bear fight and they have to rescue all the children taken away by the ministry....

But that's only part one, and my terrible description of this movie, but in all honesty it's sweet and worth watching just for the bear fight and to master your fear.


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